<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!ENTITY windowClose.key "w"> <!ENTITY preferencesDefaultTitleMac.title "環境è¨å®š"> <!ENTITY preferencesDefaultTitleWin.title "オプション"> <!ENTITY preferencesCloseButton.label "é–‰ã˜ã‚‹"> <!ENTITY preferencesCloseButton.accesskey "C"> <!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (.label): Preferences categories that appear on the left of the preferences dialog --> <!ENTITY prefWindow.title "è¨å®š"> <!ENTITY prefWindow.size "width: 102ch; height: 44em;"><!-- en-US: width: 102ch; height: 44em; --> <!ENTITY prefWindowMac.size "width: 62em; height: 41em;"><!-- en-US: width: 62em; height: 41em; --> <!ENTITY prefWindowWin.size "width: 115ch; height: 43em;"><!-- en-US: width: 115ch; height: 43em; --> <!ENTITY prefWindowMac2.size "width: 70em; height: 41em;"><!-- en-US: width: 70em; height: 41em; --> <!ENTITY prefWindowWin2.size "width: 125ch; height: 44em;"><!-- en-US: width: 125ch; height: 44em; --> <!ENTITY categoryHeader "カテゴリー"> <!ENTITY appear.label "表示"> <!ENTITY content.label "コンテンツ"> <!ENTITY fonts.label "フォント"> <!ENTITY colors.label "é…色"> <!ENTITY media.label "メディア"> <!ENTITY spellingPane.label "スペルãƒã‚§ãƒƒã‚¯"> <!ENTITY navigator.label "ブラウザー"> <!ENTITY history.label "å±¥æ´"> <!ENTITY languages.label "言語"> <!ENTITY applications.label "ヘルパーアプリケーション"> <!ENTITY locationBar.label "アドレスãƒãƒ¼"> <!ENTITY search.label "インターãƒãƒƒãƒˆæ¤œç´¢"> <!ENTITY tabWindows.label "タブブラウズ"> <!ENTITY links.label "リンクã®å‹•ä½œ"> <!ENTITY download.label "ダウンãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‰"> <!ENTITY security.label "プライãƒã‚·ãƒ¼ã¨ã‚»ã‚ュリティ"> <!ENTITY privatedata.label "プライãƒã‚·ãƒ¼æƒ…å ±"> <!ENTITY cookies.label "Cookie"> <!ENTITY images.label "ç”»åƒ"> <!ENTITY popups.label "ãƒãƒƒãƒ—アップウィンドウ"> <!ENTITY passwords.label "パスワード"> <!ENTITY masterpass.label "マスターパスワード"> <!ENTITY ssltls.label "SSL/TLS"> <!ENTITY certs.label "証明書"> <!ENTITY sync.label "åŒæœŸ"> <!ENTITY advance.label "詳細"> <!ENTITY scriptsAndWindows.label "スクリプトã¨ãƒ—ラグイン"> <!ENTITY keynav.label "ã‚ーボードナビゲーション"> <!ENTITY findAsYouType.label "タイプ検索"> <!ENTITY cache.label "ã‚ャッシュ"> <!ENTITY offlineApps.label "オフラインアプリケーション"> <!ENTITY proxies.label "プãƒã‚シー"> <!ENTITY httpnetworking.label "HTTP ãƒãƒƒãƒˆãƒ¯ãƒ¼ã‚¯"> <!ENTITY smart.label "ソフトウェアã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«"> <!ENTITY mousewheel.label "マウスホイール"> <!ENTITY debugging.label "デãƒãƒƒã‚°"> <!ENTITY focusSearch.key "f">