<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->

<!-- Event Menu -->
<!ENTITY event.new.event			"新しい予定...">
<!ENTITY event.new.event.accesskey		"N">

<!ENTITY event.new.task				"新しい ToDo...">
<!ENTITY event.new.task.accesskey		"k">

<!ENTITY calendar.import.label			"ファイルからインポート...">
<!ENTITY calendar.import.accesskey		"I">

<!ENTITY calendar.export.label			"カレンダーをエクスポート...">
<!ENTITY calendar.export.accesskey		"E">

<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label			"予定を公開...">
<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey		"b">

<!ENTITY calendar.deletecalendar.label		"選択したカレンダーを消去...">
<!ENTITY calendar.deletecalendar.accesskey	"D">
<!ENTITY calendar.unsubscribecalendar.label	"選択したカレンダーを購読解除...">
<!ENTITY calendar.unsubscribecalendar.accesskey	"U">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.removecalendar.label): Removing the calendar
      is the general action of removing it, while deleting means to clear the
      data and unsubscribing means just taking it out of the calendar list. -->
<!ENTITY calendar.removecalendar.label		"選択したカレンダーを削除...">
<!ENTITY calendar.removecalendar.accesskey	"R">

<!ENTITY calendar.menu.customize.label		"カスタマイズ...">
<!ENTITY calendar.menu.customize.accesskey	"C">

<!ENTITY showUnifinderCmd.label			"予定を検索">
<!ENTITY showUnifinderCmd.accesskey		"F">
<!ENTITY showUnifinderCmd.tooltip		"予定検索ペインを開閉します">

<!ENTITY calendar.displaytodos.checkbox.label	"ToDo を表示">
<!ENTITY calendar.displaytodos.checkbox.accesskey 	"T">

<!ENTITY goTodayCmd.label			"今日に移動">
<!ENTITY goTodayCmd.accesskey			"T">

<!ENTITY showCurrentView.label			"表示形式">
<!ENTITY showCurrentView.accesskey		"V">

<!ENTITY calendar.properties.label		"プロパティ..."><!-- Calendar Properties -->
<!ENTITY calendar.properties.accesskey		"a">