����ghc-memory-0.18.0-150500.3.5.2���;>+���!p�f�#Hp���9�|�.��������X�$��_�C%Nz�s���x'�5t�_���"58��>2VoS����B��!Y{8GTz�Ĥs���� T��>���Ơe6} ���`(z����$Υ���1k� ~�]a�$�U���T�\)n�Q��M.J�PC�s�'���Ve|�P�s>�������>? d�� �� !� F�������������� �)�T�Z`p x � �  (<Px��$'(N8X9�:�FG$H4IDXHYT\�]�^�bYcd�e�f�l�u�v�w\xly| z��������Cghc-memory0.18.0150500.3.5.2Memory and related abstraction stuffChunk of memory, polymorphic byte array management and manipulation * A polymorphic byte array abstraction and function similar to strict ByteString. * Different type of byte array abstraction. * Raw memory IO operations (memory set, memory copy, ..) * Aliasing with endianness support. * Encoding : Base16, Base32, Base64. * Hashing : FNV, SipHash.f�#Hs390zp32ٻSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC BSD-3-Clausehttps://www.suse.com/Unspecifiedhttps://hackage.haskell.org/package/memorylinuxs390xӠA��A큤f�#Ff�#Ff�#F]l�x2acc7413a73d1aa558bf0a2114e3517d04b6d01c12cb86776e14f750105034b23c884b61cafcadb60def61d439681ddb17d5f492d82d3ba9f870faf403814da8�rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootghc-memory-0.18.0-150500.3.5.2.src.rpm����������������ghc-memoryghc-memory(s390-64)libHSmemory-0.18.0-5sXHBOvq8cvID3ltyqUTPJ-ghc8.10.7.so()(64bit)@@@@@@@@@@@    libHSarray-��b)�@a��@`�}@`��@_�H@_L�@_;��^�@]�X�]rJ@[��[v��[O+�Z�z@Y�@Y>�@Y �@X��X���X�N@W�8�WB��W @@V��@Vp�Ur��Uj��psimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.compsimons@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.com- Update memory to version 0.18.0. [#]# 0.18 * drop support for ghc < 8.8 * compat with ghc 9.4 [#]# ...- Update memory to version 0.17.0. Upstream has not updated the file "CHANGELOG.md" since the last release.- Update memory to version 0.16.0 revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.- Update memory to version 0.16.0. Upstream has not updated the file "CHANGELOG.md" since the last release.- Update memory to version 0.15.0 revision 2. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.- disable %{ix86} build- Update memory to version 0.15.0 revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro.- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner.- Drop obsolete group attributes.- Update memory to version 0.15.0. Upstream has not updated the file "CHANGELOG.md" since the last release.- Update memory to version 0.14.18. [#]# 0.14.18 * Branch/Release Snafu [#]# 0.14.17 * Require basement >= 0.0.7, Fix compilation with GHC 8,6 * Cleanup CPP, dropping support for much older version- Update Cabal build information to prevent build attempts with GHC 8.6.x.- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner.- Update memory to version 0.14.16. * Fix compilation with a newer basement (>= 0.0.7) and an older GHC (< 8.0) * Convert tests to foundation checks * Convert CI to haskell-ci * Fix compilation without foundation * Introduce ByteArrayL and associated method, as a type level sized version of ByteArray * Add NormalForm for Bytes and ScrubbedBytes * Fix bounds issues with empty strings in base64 and base32 * Improve tests compatibility w.r.t old basement version * Handle compat SPECIALIZE for older GHC * Optimise copy operations and convert * Add instance of ByteArrayAccess and ByteArray for Block * Add Block and UArray in memory's tests * Fix issue in unBase64 with an empty bytestring that would cause a segfault * Reintroduce foundation compatibility with old version * Reduce dependency to basement * Fix incompatibility with foundation 0.0.14 * Fix typo in state passing- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf.- Update to version 0.14.6.- Update to version 0.14.5 with cabal2obs.- Update to version 0.14.3 with cabal2obs.- Update to version 0.14.2 with cabal2obs.- Update to version 0.14.1 with cabal2obs.- Update to version 0.13 revision 0 with cabal2obs.- update to 0.13- update to 0.12 * Fix compilation with mkWeak and latest GHC- update 0.11- update to 0.10 * make memConstEqual more constant not using boolean comparaison * memConstEqual was comparing length times the first byte instead of comparing all the bytes one to one * Add Base64 variants- update to 0.7 * Fix fixed sized scrubber written too hastily, that would zero out memory, as the index was written through byte size, whereas the primitive would consider it as WordX type index. it would helps if Ghc.Prim had better documentation.- initial commits390zp32 1727931208�0.18.0-150500. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.suse.de/SUSE:Maintenance:35884/SUSE_SLE-15-SP5_Update/82ba11208c66d58866be076755f44225-ghc-memory.SUSE_SLE-15-SP5_Updatedrpmxz5s390x-suse-linuxdirectoryELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9d3516a794919fd4a448fa4924cf379d5d3c084e, strippedASCII text PRRRRRRRRR RR h�h�Z�!��d=�"Lutf-816e9bd94b094b2172c773ee2a79e307ebd01cd5ba18259081eac2a3550bdd292?��� �7zXZ �� �!t/��� ]"�k�%��w���{6���I�ԅ@ܻ ��Kqg{I|�����a+�[�Lf`O��GJ���0���w��_�kqZl ��s>^��fm����>4F���5��v�BP�u�?���?�%0�� ^��V��7ò� Q~(��Z���"�h�-I���"��H�[x>���{E`I]�׮�\��ZְK[ �q^ԙ.�k��u� �f�I����n��'r䣋a���J��O�_��\ N��I*-ƨ�A���k�v��\��Ӯ��?��]���l�i'�� �A�w�'wj›u�0P�2%��Ʈ6�?��n��8nxqH�~%#�6J|������[@����U�+�K���&��]6��YڭNhZ��|��,uA���v�vn,�� N19���^�r_?���a��:R|����]{�ٗPiz���o�ԣ �����M��ve\�*�o�#!��B5���~-շP�Tz7� q zk@�Q��I�^_��2`�� G��:]�V�a�����¿���{v�;;T�0����Ձ<Cd4� m��F���dR�X>/Jz�fɳ���0��"8��?�Q.��r�Z�.mv��6��Vo|�f Ʊs�� �15M�٦�z�R�% �>��.�\�Ⱥ�.u�Hv���X#������ӧ�Gjĭ����2�ht)b����Nt�hZ����)�?L��*X�Ǧ�{�*��e�`��+���mM"|�2�Ȫ�V��ʞ�f& -� �r���Fө�n̗�_:�*�0yw��t�E�q��o�x� J�����D��z��~S��h��n��N�oL ��%=h�ı2bT�����c���iE-}&�6Պ�HS���F �癮c�`��8�Wk������j6���+ ۚ��6y�祥 ������_�½#��BV�t��'��wT�7�I�$�� D�a ��|�I�jf�0�� r���.e�4l��Oe„� 0��C,R��{�i�k�d���%C29ζ�� YZ