unstable/apps/utils/00INDEX generated by KDE-Keeper 1.1; do not edit by hand!
00INDEX                  System usage monitor
00INDEX.html             generated by KDE-Keeper 1.0; do not edit by hand!
GMenu2KMenu-1.1.tar.gz   GMenu2KMenu is a small script to convert a GNOME panel menu structure into a KDE kpanel menu structure
KCommander2-0.50.tar.gz  Windows Commander Clone for KDE
casp-0.3.tar.gz          Password Creator for KDE
cervisia-1.0beta3.tar.gz CVS frontend with nice KDE GUI
columbo-0.1.tar.gz       Searches on the web and files on the local disk
fax-from-printer.tar.gz  fax via printer directly from any X11 application
k-ftes46b5-V4.tar.gz     KDE port of the FTE editor
kBeroFTPD-1.0.0pre2.tar.gz KDE Frontend for BeroFTPD configuration
kISDN-0.3.1.tgz          ISDN front end
kab-0.7.1.tar.bz2        kab
kam-0.4.tar.gz           kam
kapm-0.11.tar.bz2        Dockable monitoring the APM-BIOS status of your Laptop/Desktop
kapm-0.2.4.tar.gz        Dockable monitoring the APM-BIOS status of your Laptop/Desktop
karchiveur-0.85-1.i386.rpm Archiver like ark but more powerful
karchiveur-0.85.tar.gz   Archiver like ark but more powerful
kardinfo-0.1.tar.gz      Tool for handling PCMCIA cards from the KDE desktop
kascara0.0.1.tgz         frontend to any commandline app
kbabel-0.3.3.tar.bz2     An advanced and easy to use PO-file editor
kbatmon-0.0.1.tar.gz     KDE Battery Monitor for laptops and portable computers
kbiff-1.0.2.tar.gz       biff app
kbootsel-0.3.tar.gz      Lets user select next operating system to be used after reboot
kchmod-0.3.tar.gz        Graphical tool to set file permissions
kcmpgp-0.0.4.tar.gz      a PGP configuration tool and keyring viewer
kcmprinter-0.3.tar.gz    printer control module
kcoloreditor-0.2.1.README EREADME for Michael Riedel`s onfigurable Editor capable of coloring text
kcoloreditor-0.2.1.tgz   A configurable Editor capable of coloring text
kconfigure-0.3.tar.gz    Configure and Make files
kcpuinfo-0.1.tar.gz      Show your cpuinfo
kcpumon-0.1.tgz          cpu monitor
kcron-0.5.tar.gz         n
kcyradm-0.1.tar.gz       GUI Replacment for cyradm (Admin utility for cyrus imapd )
kdclock-0.3.2.tar.gz     A feature-rich desktop clock
kdddll-0.1pre-alpha.tgz  KDE Dynamic Dialog Definition Language Library
kdialog-0.2.tar.gz       kdialog
kdict-0.4.1.tar.bz2      A client program for the dict server (dict.org)
kdiff-0.8.4.tgz          KDE frontend for diff
kdiff-0.83.tgz           kdiff
kdirwatch-0.2.tgz        kdirwatch
kdiskcat-0.5.2.tar.gz    The KDE Disk Catalog software. You can browse your disk
kdiskcat-0.5.3.tar.gz    The KDE Disk Catalog software. You can browse your disk
kdiskutil-1.4.tar.gz     A KDE program written with VisKProg
kdmainfo-0.1.tar.gz      show your dmainfo
kdsing-0.2.1.tar.bz2     kdsing is the KDE port of dsing (word list browser, translator)
kdu-0.5-1.i386.rpm       KDE-Frontends for du and df, slotchanger for 3-slot-cd-
kdu-0.5.tar.gz           changer
kdu-0.9.5-src.tar.gz     KDE-Frontends for du and df, slotchanger for 3-slot-cd-changer
kfilecoder-0.3.4.tar.bz2 Encode and decode some files in an archive with a password
kfilecoder-0.5.0.tar.bz2 Encode and decode some files in an archive with a password
kfilecoder-src-0.1.4.tar.gz Encode and decode some files in an archive with a password
kfilecoder-src-0.2.3.tar.gz Replace multiple strings inside files or directories
kfilereplace-src-0.2.1.tar.gz Replace multiple strings inside files or directories
kfilereplace-src- Replace multiple strings inside files or directories
kflog-Beta1.0.tar.gz     Draws aeronautical maps and displays gps-logged flights.
kfsstatus-0.1.5.tgz      file system status app
kfstab-   Handle /etc/fstab very easy via an KDE Interface
kfstab-0.4.0.tgz         Handle /etc/fstab very easy via an KDE Interface
kfstab-pre1-0.5.0.tgz    Kfstab is a front-end for easy editing fstab.
kgps-0.2.tgz             Graphical User Interface for GARMIN and ROCKWELL GPS receiver connected to the serial port
kgrep-0.1.6.tgz          KDE frontend to GREP
kheise-0.4_b.tgz         heise journals index app
khost-0.0.1.tar.gz       A X server access permission manager
khotkeys-1.0.1-1.src.rpm This application lets you to assign commands to different hotkey combinations
khotkeys-1.0.1.tar.bz2   This application lets you to assign commands to different hotkey combinations
khtmlsettingsplugin-0.1.tgz Puts a button with a dropdown menu with settings for Java,Javascript,Cookies and Image-loading into Konqueror's Extra-Toolbar
kidentify-0.3.1.tar.bz2  A utility which shows some information on files (e.g. dyn. libraries, core info)
kikbd-0.2.1.tgz          International keyboard app
kimager-0.1.tar.gz       scans directories for image files and generates a HTML file including these pictures
kinterruptinfo-0.1.tar.gz show your interruptinfo
kisdnload-0.9.1.tar.gz   ISDN load meter
kkb-0.2.tar.gz           X11 keyboard indicator and changer
klavg-2.0.b1.tar.gz      Load average KDE applet
kleandisk-2.0beta1.tar.gz Kleandisk is a utility to clean useless files from your harddisk
klens4screen.tar.gz      Magnifier lens for KDE (good for visually diasabled persons)
kless-1.4.8.tgz          A simple but very good text viewer for the KDE
klibreta-0.1.tar.gz      KLibreta is a "notebook" with multiples options
klipper-0.1.tar.gz       Provides clipboard history and docks into KPanel
klm-0.5.0.tar.gz         Frontend for the lm_sensors kernel modules for linux
kload-0.71.tar.gz        A system performance monitor
klocate-0.1.tgz          locate for KDE
klookup-0.1.tar.gz       KLookup is an address book program. Currently it supports LDAP only.
klp-0.2.tar.gz           Line printer manager
klpc-0.33.tar.gz         lpc for KDE
klpq-0.3.2.tgz           Line printer queue viewer
klseti-0.23.tar.gz       look@seti is a program to observe multiple running instances of setiathome
kluach-0.3.tar.gz        Jewish calendar
kmag-0.1.tar.gz          mag for KDE
kmago-0.5.1.tar.gz       Downloadmanager for KDE2
kmemstat-0.4.tar.gz      Maintained-by:  Pieter Eendebak <eendebak@phys.uu.nl>
kmlocfg-0.1.0.tar.gz     A configuration utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office.
kmlocfg-2.0-pre1.tar.gz  A configuration utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office.
kmlofax-0.5.1.tar.gz     A facsimile utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office.
kmlofax-0.6.3.tar.gz     A facsimile utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office.
kmlofax-2.0.tar.gz       y
kmlovoice-2.0-pre1.tar.gz A voice message utility for the ELSA MicroLink Office modem
kmoon-0.2.1.tar.gz       moon phases for KDE
kmp_mysql-1.1.3-1.i386.rpm A MySQL plugin for KMySQL
kmp_mysql-1.1.3.tar.gz   A MySQL plugin for KMySQL
kmsgmodem-0.2.tar.gz     A tool to read fax and voice messages from your USR modemæ„€ internal memory
knc-1.90.tar.gz          knc is a file manager program, like the old N***** Commander
knetdump-1.4.0.tar.gz    net-tool for analysing and visualizing basic protocols of the OSI layer 1-4. so have a look at the headers, connections on the net and a tcp-connection between two hosts
knetfilter-1.2.4.tar.gz  A frontend for the new netfilter firewall API of linux 2.4.x
knetfilter-2.0.3.tar.gz  A frontend for the new netfilter firewall API of linux 2.4.x
knewmail-3.1.src.tar.gz  n
konline-0.1.1.tgz        Client for the konserver program.
konserver-0.2.0.tgz      Server which keeps a list of users who are currently online
kover-0.4.tar.gz         Kover is an easy to use WYSIWYG CD cover printer
kpackviewer-0.70.tar.gz  Slack,RPM,Debian,Zip,GZip Viewer with TreeView
kpgp-0.0.2.tar.gz        pgp for KDE
kprima-0.1.tar.gz        KPriMa is a KDE Print Manager- a GUI to the ps utilities and your printing queues.
kprima-0.2.tar.gz        KPriMa is a KDE Print Manager- a GUI to the ps utilities and your printing queues.
kpsion-0.1.tar.gz        Psion 5/EPOC file link support patch for KFM
kpstree-0.2.tgz          pstree for KDE
kquick-0.2-1.i386.rpm    Quick single click translator
kquick-0.2.tar.gz        Quick single click translator
krtcinfo-0.1.tar.gz      show your rtcinfo
kruiser-0.4.tar.gz       A  highly configurable file system Win95-like explorer with many features
kruler-2.0.tar.gz        KRuler is a nice little tool for all who want to keep control of their screen full of pixels. Use it to verify the layout of your newly created web pages or to quickly determine the minimum size of graphical user items you want to build into
kscan-0.1.1.tar.gz       scanner for KDE
kscore-0.1.tar.gz        Sports score ticker for the KDE 2 panel
ksniffer-0.1.5.src.tgz   Netwokr sniffer
ksnuffle-0.1.tgz         Ksnuffle is a network traffic monitor
ksoa-0.1.tar.gz          ksoa
ksteak-0.3.src.tar.gz    GUI for English/German dictionary
ktail-0.4.3.tar.bz2      tail for KDE
ktail-0.4.4.tar.bz2      tail for KDE
ktalkedit.tar.gz         KEdit hacked to use Festival speech synth
kteatime-0.1.tgz         A little docking tea timer. Reminds you when your tea is ready to drink.
ktimeclock-0.0.5.tar.gz  clock
ktimemon-0.3b.tar.gz     System usage monitor
ktsp-0.2.0.tgz           Optimizer for Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP)
kupgrade-980130.tar.gz   upgrade for KDE
kvideodb-0.2.6.tar.bz2   Tool to help You to organize Your home-video collection.
kvideolist-v0.92.tar.gz  atabase for home-movie collectors
kvncviewer-0.0.3.tar.gz  VNC Viewer for KDE
kwake-        Wake up util for non-stop programmers
kweather-0.3.tar.gz      Programm for recording weather events
kwebcam-0.1.4.tar.gz     KDE Front end for 'grabit'
kwhereis.tar.gz          whereis for KDE
kwin-0.2.tar.gz          Frontend to mount smb filesystem
lens4screen.tar.gz       Magnifier lens
lost_0_92_tar.gz         LoST is a sort of graphical 'du' utility
messenger-0.0.3.tar.gz   A tool to read fax and voice messages from your USR modemæ„€ internal memory
mkkdelnk-0.1.tgz         kdelnk
peoplespace-0.1a3.tar.gz Contact Manager that provides a large number of fields o allow for a lot of information to be stored
pws-0.6.tgz              Frontend for the mathopd personal web server
sysinfo-0.1.tar.gz       Show your Memory Information
vigmeup-1.0.1.tar.gz     An alarm clock application that allows playing of mp3s to wake you up