'V£Ü†¢gϘ­Bf˜%ñB^# Set defaults for missing env variables. setenv boot_dir ${prefix} test -n ${loader_rev} || setenv loader_rev 0 test -n ${id} || setenv id SWANDR test -n ${emmc} || setenv emmc 0 test -n ${fbconsole} || setenv fbconsole 9 test -n ${uart_port} || setenv uart_port 0 test -n ${earlycon} || setenv earlycon 0 test -n ${r2p_action} || setenv r2p_action bootloader test -n ${autoboot} || setenv autoboot 0 test -n ${autoboot_list} || setenv autoboot_list 0 test -n ${usb3_enable} || setenv usb3_enable 0 test -n ${4k60_disable} || setenv 4k60_disable 0 test -n ${dvfsb} || setenv dvfsb 0 test -n ${gpu_dvfsc} || setenv gpu_dvfsc 0 test -n ${limit_gpu_clk} || setenv limit_gpu_clk 0 test -n ${jc_rail_disable} || setenv jc_rail_disable 0 test -n ${cec_disable} || setenv cec_disable 0 test -n ${touch_skip_tuning} || setenv touch_skip_tuning 0 test -n ${bt_ertm_disable} || setenv bt_ertm_disable 0 test -n ${wifi_disable_vht80} || setenv wifi_disable_vht80 0 test -n ${alarms_disable} || setenv alarms_disable 0 # Built-in IMU. test -n ${acc_cal_off_x} || setenv acc_cal_off_x 0x0 test -n ${acc_cal_off_y} || setenv acc_cal_off_y 0x0 test -n ${acc_cal_off_z} || setenv acc_cal_off_z 0x0 test -n ${acc_cal_scl_x} || setenv acc_cal_scl_x 0x0 test -n ${acc_cal_scl_y} || setenv acc_cal_scl_y 0x0 test -n ${acc_cal_scl_z} || setenv acc_cal_scl_z 0x0 test -n ${gyr_cal_off_x} || setenv gyr_cal_off_x 0x0 test -n ${gyr_cal_off_y} || setenv gyr_cal_off_y 0x0 test -n ${gyr_cal_off_z} || setenv gyr_cal_off_z 0x0 test -n ${gyr_cal_scl_x} || setenv gyr_cal_scl_x 0x0 test -n ${gyr_cal_scl_y} || setenv gyr_cal_scl_y 0x0 test -n ${gyr_cal_scl_z} || setenv gyr_cal_scl_z 0x0 # Lite Gamepad analog sticks calibration. test -n ${lite_cal_lx_lof} || setenv lite_cal_lx_lof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_lx_cnt} || setenv lite_cal_lx_cnt 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_lx_rof} || setenv lite_cal_lx_rof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_ly_dof} || setenv lite_cal_ly_dof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_ly_cnt} || setenv lite_cal_ly_cnt 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_ly_uof} || setenv lite_cal_ly_uof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_rx_lof} || setenv lite_cal_rx_lof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_rx_cnt} || setenv lite_cal_rx_cnt 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_rx_rof} || setenv lite_cal_rx_rof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_ry_dof} || setenv lite_cal_ry_dof 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_ry_cnt} || setenv lite_cal_ry_cnt 0x0 test -n ${lite_cal_ry_uof} || setenv lite_cal_ry_uof 0x0 # Set logging params for each serial type. setenv uarta "no_console_suspend console=ttyS0,115200,8n1 loglevel=8 androidboot.console=ttyS0" setenv uartb "no_console_suspend console=ttyS1,115200,8n1 loglevel=8 androidboot.console=ttyS1" setenv uartc "no_console_suspend console=ttyS2,115200,8n1 loglevel=8 androidboot.console=ttyS2" setenv no_args "console=null" setenv usblg "usb_logging loglevel=8" setenv uarta_early "earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x70006000" setenv uartb_early "earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x70006040" setenv uartc_early "earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x70006200" # Set important addresses. setenv kernload 0xA0000000 setenv initaddr 0x92000000 setenv fdtrload 0xA8000000 setenv fdtraddr 0x8d000000 # Set temp addresses. setenv enviraddr 0x8d100000 setenv fdtovaddr 0x8d200000 # L4T Loader check. Min rev 4. if test "${loader_rev}" < 4; then echoe Old L4T Loader! Update bootloader folder!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi # Set SoC info. if test ${t210b01} = 1; then setenv plat_info T210B01; else setenv plat_info T210; fi # Set SKU info. Frig is used instead of Fric for compatibility reasons. if test ${sku} = 0; then setenv sku_info ODIN; setenv sku_rev a00; setenv variant odin elif test ${sku} = 1; then setenv sku_info ODIN; setenv sku_rev b01; setenv variant modin elif test ${sku} = 2; then setenv sku_info VALI; setenv sku_rev a00; setenv variant vali elif test ${sku} = 3; then setenv sku_info FRIG; setenv sku_rev a00; setenv variant fric fi # Print platform info. echo PLAT: ${plat_info} SKU: ${sku_info} echo Serial: ${device_serial_restricted} echo BT MAC: ${device_bt_mac} echo WF MAC: ${device_wifi_mac} # Set MMC device. setenv mmcnum 1 if test ${emmc} = 1; then echoe emmc enabled setenv mmcnum 0 fi mmc dev ${mmcnum} # Load Kernel. if gpio input 190 && test ${recovery} = "0"; then # Normal Kernel. if part start mmc ${mmcnum} boot boot_start; then echo Boot partition found else echoe Boot partition not found!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi part size mmc ${mmcnum} boot boot_size else # Recovery. if part start mmc ${mmcnum} recovery boot_start; then echo Recovery partition found else echoe Recovery partition not found!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi part size mmc ${mmcnum} recovery boot_size echo Applying WAR: USB3 required for recovery setenv usb3_enable 1 fi mmc read ${kernload} ${boot_start} ${boot_size}; # Load DT img. if part start mmc ${mmcnum} dtb dtb_start; then echo DTB partition found else echoe DTB partition not found!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi part size mmc ${mmcnum} dtb dtb_size mmc read ${fdtrload} ${dtb_start} ${dtb_size} # Check for Super. if part start mmc ${mmcnum} super super_start; then echo Super partition found else echoe Super partition not found!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi # Get DT from image. if dtimg load ${fdtrload} ${sku} ${fdtraddr} fdtrsize; then echo Device Tree for SKU ${sku_info} loaded else echoe Device Tree load for SKU ${sku_info} failed!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi # Load dtb and resize to fit overlays. fdt addr ${fdtraddr} ${fdtrsize} fdt resize 16384 # Dtb sanity checks. if test ${sku_info} != ${fdt_id_text} -o ${sku_rev} != ${fdt_rev}; then echoe Device Tree loaded not correct! (SKU: ${fdt_id_text}, Rev: ${fdt_rev}) echoe Expected SKU: ${sku_info}, Rev: ${sku_rev} echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset fi # Patch dtb with overlays if they exist. if test -n ${dtb_overlays}; then echo loading dtb overlays: ${dtb_overlays} for ov in ${dtb_overlays}; do echo Setting ${ov}... # Check if DT overlay and apply it. if load mmc ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${fdtovaddr} ${boot_dir}/overlays/${ov}.dtbo; then if fdt apply ${fdtovaddr}; then echo Successfully loaded ${ov}.dtbo... else echoe Overlay ${ov}.dtbo loading failed!; echoe Rebooting in 10s..; sleep 10; reset; fi fi done fi # UART Logging. if test ${uart_port} = 1; then echoe UART-A logging enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${uarta} fdt set /serial@70006000 compatible nvidia,tegra20-uart fdt set /serial@70006000 status okay if test ${earlycon} = 1; then echoe Early logging enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${uarta_early} fdt set /serial@70006000 reset-names noreset fi elif test ${uart_port} = 2; then echoe UART-B logging enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${uartb} fdt set /serial@70006040 compatible nvidia,tegra20-uart fdt set /serial@70006040/joyconr status disabled if test ${earlycon} = 1; then echoe Early logging enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${uartb_early} fdt set /serial@70006040 reset-names noreset fi elif test ${uart_port} = 3; then echoe UART-C logging enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${uartc} fdt set /serial@70006200 compatible nvidia,tegra20-uart fdt set /serial@70006200/joyconl status disabled if test ${earlycon} = 1; then echoe Early logging enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${uartc_early} fdt set /serial@70006200 reset-names noreset fi else setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} ${no_args} fi # USB Serial Logging. if test ${uart_port} = 4; then setenv bootargs_extra ${usblg} ${bootargs_extra}; echoe USB Serial logging enabled; fi # Disable Joycon Rails. if test ${jc_rail_disable} = 1; then echoe Joycon Rails disabled fdt set /serial@70006040 status disabled fdt set /serial@70006040/joyconr status disabled fdt set /serial@70006200 status disabled fdt set /serial@70006200/joyconl status disabled fi # Disable CEC. if test ${sku} = 2 -o ${cec_disable} = 1; then setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "androidboot.cec_disable=1"; fi # Disable Touch panel tuning. if test ${touch_skip_tuning} = 1; then setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "ftm4.skip_tuning=1"; fi # Disable Bluetooth ERTM. if test ${bt_ertm_disable} = 1; then setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "bluetooth.disable_ertm=1"; fi # Enable eMMC. if test ${emmc} = 1; then fdt set /sdhci@700b0600 status okay fdt set /firmware/android boot_devices sdhci-tegra.3 # Check if eMMC is initialized in 1-bit mode. if test "${mmc_1bit}" = 1; then echoe eMMC is initialized in 1-bit mode! fdt set /sdhci@700b0600 bus-width <0x1> fdt set /sdhci@700b0600 uhs-mask <0x7F> fi else fdt set /firmware/android boot_devices sdhci-tegra.0 fi # Check if SD is initialized in 1-bit mode. if test "${sd_1bit}" = 1; then echoe SD Card is initialized in 1-bit mode! fdt set /sdhci@700b0000 bus-width <0x1> fdt set /sdhci@700b0000 uhs-mask <0x7F> fi # Check if SD DDR200 mode can be enabled. if test -n ${ddr200_enable}; then setenv ddr200_enable 0 # Set ddr200 if Samsung. if mmc 1 && mmc info manid && test ${manid} = 1b; then setenv ddr200_enable 1 fi fi if test "${ddr200_enable}" != 0; then echo SD DDR200 mode enabled fdt set /sdhci@700b0000 enable-ddr200 fi # Force PLLP for 408/204MHz Host/Card clock if set. if test "${ddr200_mode}" = 2; then echoe SD DDR200 PLLP enabled fdt set /sdhci@700b0000 ddr200-clk-limit 210000000 fi # Disable WiFi VHT80 bonding. if test ${wifi_disable_vht80} = 1; then setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "brcmfmac.vht_mask=12"; fi # Set calibration data. if load mmc ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${enviraddr} /switchroot/switch.cal; then env import -t -r ${enviraddr} ${filesize} if test ${sku} = 2; then echo Sio Calibration set fdt set /serial@70006200/sio sio-stick-cal-l <$lite_cal_lx_lof $lite_cal_lx_cnt $lite_cal_lx_rof $lite_cal_ly_dof $lite_cal_ly_cnt $lite_cal_ly_uof> fdt set /serial@70006200/sio sio-stick-cal-r <$lite_cal_rx_lof $lite_cal_rx_cnt $lite_cal_rx_rof $lite_cal_ry_dof $lite_cal_ry_cnt $lite_cal_ry_uof> fdt set /serial@70006200/sio sio-acc-cal <$acc_cal_off_x $acc_cal_off_y $acc_cal_off_z $acc_cal_scl_x $acc_cal_scl_y $acc_cal_scl_z> fdt set /serial@70006200/sio sio-gyr-cal <$gyr_cal_off_x $gyr_cal_off_y $gyr_cal_off_z $gyr_cal_scl_x $gyr_cal_scl_y $gyr_cal_scl_z> fi fi # Get display handle. if test ${display_id} = f20; then echo Display is INN 6.2; fdt get value DHANDLE /host1x/dsi/panel-i-720p-6-2 phandle elif test ${display_id} = f30; then echo Display is AUO 6.2; fdt get value DHANDLE /host1x/dsi/panel-a-720p-6-2 phandle elif test ${display_id} = 10; then echo Display is JDI 6.2; fdt get value DHANDLE /host1x/dsi/panel-j-720p-6-2 phandle elif test ${display_id} = 1020; then echo Display is INN 5.5; fdt get value DHANDLE /host1x/dsi/panel-i-720p-5-5 phandle elif test ${display_id} = 1030; then echo Display is AUO 5.5; fdt get value DHANDLE /host1x/dsi/panel-a-720p-5-5 phandle elif test ${display_id} = 1040; then echo Display is SHP 5.5; fdt get value DHANDLE /host1x/dsi/panel-s-720p-5-5 phandle elif test ${display_id} = 2050; then echo Display is SAM 7.0 elif test ${display_id} = f83; then echo Display is Clone 6.2 elif test ${display_id} = B3; then echo Display is Clone 5.5 elif test ${display_id} = 0; then echo Display is Clone 5.5 else echoe Unknown Display ID: ${display_id}! Please report it!; fi # Set active display handle. if test -n "${DHANDLE}" -a ${sku} != 3; then echo Setting Display panel; fdt set /host1x/dsi nvidia,active-panel <$DHANDLE>; fi # Disable USB3. if test ${usb3_enable} = 0; then echo USB3 disabled fdt get value DHANDLE_USB2 /xusb_padctl@7009f000/pads/usb2/lanes/usb2-0 phandle fdt set /xusb@70090000 phys <$DHANDLE_USB2> fdt set /xusb@70090000 phy-names usb2-0 fdt set /xudc@700d0000 phys <$DHANDLE_USB2> fdt set /xudc@700d0000 phy-names usb2 fdt set /xusb_padctl@7009f000 usb3-no-mapping-war <0x1> fdt set /xusb_padctl@7009f000/ports/usb2-0 nvidia,usb3-port-fake <0xffffffff> fdt set /xusb_padctl@7009f000/ports/usb3-0 status disabled else echoe USB3 enabled fi # Disable 4 DP lanes (4K@60) on Fric. if test ${sku} = 3 -a ${4k60_disable} = 1 -a ${usb3_enable} != 0; then echoe 4K60 disabled fdt set /i2c@7000c000/bm92t@18 rohm,dp-lanes <2> fi # Set battery voltage limit via cell age for Vali. if test ${sku} = 2 -a -n "${VLIM}"; then echo VALI: voltage limits [${VLIM}, ${SOCLIM}] if test "${VLIM}" != 1070; then # Newer Vali. 4320 mV / 1664 mA. fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-charger@6b/charger ti,charge-voltage-limit-millivolt <0x$VLIM> fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-charger@6b/charger ti,charge-thermal-voltage-limit <0x$VLIM 0x$VLIM 0x$VLIM 0xFF0> fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-gauge@36 maxim,kernel-maximum-soc <0x$SOCLIM> else # Old Vali. 4208 mV / 1536 mA. (Unreleased?) fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-charger@6b/charger ti,charge-voltage-limit-millivolt <0x1070> fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-charger@6b/charger ti,charge-thermal-voltage-limit <0x1070 0x1070 0x1070 0xF70> fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-charger@6b/charger ti,fast-charge-current-limit-milliamp <0x600> fdt set /i2c@7000c000/battery-charger@6b/charger ti,charge-current-limit <0x200 0x240 0x600 0x600> fi fi # DVFS B-Side. if test ${t210b01} = 1 -a ${dvfsb} = 1; then echoe DVFS B-Side enabled setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "speedo_tegra210.sku_id=0x83 speedo_tegra210.cspd_id=2 speedo_tegra210.sspd_id=2" fdt set /cpufreq/cpu-scaling-data max-frequency <0x249348> if test ${gpu_dvfsc} = 0; then setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "speedo_tegra210.gspd_id=2" fi if test ${sku} = 2; then # 2091 MHz CPU and 844 MHz GPU hard limit. Vali. fdt set /cpufreq/cpu-scaling-data max-frequency <0x1FE7F8> fdt set /dvfs nvidia,gpu-max-freq-khz <0xCE400> fi fi # GPU DVFS C-Side. if test ${t210b01} = 1 -a ${gpu_dvfsc} = 1; then echoe DVFS C-Side GPU enabled if test ${dvfsb} != 1; then setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "speedo_tegra210.sku_id=0x83 speedo_tegra210.gspd_id=3" else setenv bootargs_extra ${bootargs_extra} "speedo_tegra210.gspd_id=3" fi fi # Limit GPU clock. if test ${t210b01} = 1 -a ${limit_gpu_clk} = 1; then if test ${sku} != 2; then # If not Vali set GPU hard limit to 1075 MHz. echoe GPU clock limited fdt set /dvfs nvidia,gpu-max-freq-khz <0x106800> fi fi # Set pmic type if devboard. if test ${t210b01} = 1 -a -n "${pmic_type}" -a ${pmic_type} = 1; then echoe GPU 15A Regulator enabled fdt set /i2c@7000d000/max77812@33 reg <0x31> fdt set /i2c@7000d000/max77812@33/m3vout status disabled fdt set /i2c@7000d000/fan53528@52 status okay fdt set /dvfs nvidia,gpu-max-volt-mv <0x3B6> fi # Disable Wake up from RTC. if test ${alarms_disable} = 1; then echoe Wakeup Alarms disabled fdt set /rtc nvidia,pmc-wakeup <0> fdt set /pcie@1003000 nvidia,wake-gpio <0> fdt set /brcmfmac@0 nvidia,pmc-wakeup <0> fi # Set serial number. if test -n ${device_serial_restricted}; then fdt set / serial-number ${device_serial_restricted}; fi # Load mac address info file from sd if fatload mmc 1:1 ${enviraddr} switchroot/joycon_mac.ini; then if ini "joycon_00" ${enviraddr}; then echo Found Joycon Pairing Info; else echoe Malformed joycon_mac.ini!; fi if test -n "${host}" -a "${host}" = "00:00:00:00:00:00"; then ini "joycon_01" ${enviraddr}; fi fi # Set BT mac. if test ! -n "${bt_mac}"; then if test -n "${host}" -a "${host}" != "00:00:00:00:00:00"; then setenv bt_mac ${host}; else setenv bt_mac ${device_bt_mac}; fi; fi # Set Wi-Fi mac. Use BT MAC with FF as the last byte. if test ! -n "${wifi_mac}"; then if test -n "${host}" -a "${host}" != "00:00:00:00:00:00"; then setexpr wifi_mac sub "\:..$" ":FF" ${host}; else setenv wifi_mac ${device_wifi_mac}; fi; fi echo CAL0 BT MAC: ${bt_mac} echo CAL0 WF MAC: ${wifi_mac} # Import to DT. fdt set /chosen nvidia,wifi-mac ${wifi_mac} fdt set /chosen nvidia,bluetooth-mac ${bt_mac} # Set kernel cmdline. setenv bootargs ${bootargs_extra} "ro init=/init firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware \ pmc_r2p.enabled=1 pmc_r2p.action=${r2p_action} \ pmc_r2p.param1=${autoboot} pmc_r2p.param2=${autoboot_list} \ fbcon=map:${fbconsole} consoleblank=0 \ latency_allowance.ptsa_rework \ nvdec_enabled=0 tegra_fbmem=0x800000@0xf5a00000 \ androidboot.bootloader=${blver} androidboot.hardware=nx \ androidboot.hardware.sku=${variant} androidboot.serialno=${device_serial_restricted} \ androidboot.modem=none androidboot.dtb_idx=${sku} " # Boot kernel. echo Launching Kernel! bootm ${kernload} ${kernload} ${fdtraddr} echoe Failed to launch Kernel! echoe echoe Rebooting in 10s.. sleep 10 reset