
2012-02-15  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>

	Handle attributes with default values correctly.

	* libxml++/attributedeclaration.[h|cc]:
	* libxml++/attributenode.[h|cc]: New files.
	* Makefile.am:
	* libxml++/Makefile.am: Add the new files.
	* libxml++/libxml++.h: Add the new .h files.
	* docs/manual/libxml++_without_code.xml: Add AttributeDeclaration and
	AttributeNode in the list of node classes.
	* libxml++/attribute.[h|cc]: Make get_value() useful also for default values
	(XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL). Fix set_value() for attributes in a namespace.
	* libxml++/nodes/element.[h|cc]: get_attribute(): Add description. Don't use
	xmlHasProp(), it ignores namespace.
	* libxml++/nodes/node.cc: get_namespace_prefix(), get_namespace_uri(),
	set_namespace(), create_wrapper(): Add code for XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL.
	* examples/dom_parser/example.dtd: Add attribute 'title' with default value.
	* examples/dom_parser/example.xml: Add attribute 'title' with explicit value.
	Bug #669635.

2012-02-15  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>


	* libxml++/nodes/node.h: Add some "@throws exception".
	* libxml++/nodes/node.cc: Change LIBXMLCPP_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLE to
	LIBXMLCPP_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED in find_impl() and set_namespace().

2012-02-15  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>

	Improved handling of entity references and processing instructions.

	* libxml++/nodes/entitydeclaration.[h|cc]: New files.
	* Makefile.am:
	* libxml++/Makefile.am: Add the new files.
	* libxml++/libxml++.h: Add the new .h file.
	* docs/manual/libxml++_without_code.xml: Add EntityDeclaration in the list
	of node classes.
	* libxml++/document.[h|cc]: Add add_processing_instruction().
	* libxml++/nodes/element.[h|cc]: Add add_child_entity_reference() and
	* libxml++/nodes/entityreference.h: Improve the description of
	get_resolved_text() and get_original_text().
	* libxml++/nodes/node.cc: get_namespace_prefix() and get_namespace_uri():
	XML_ENTITY_DECL has no namespace. Don't try to find it.
	create_wrapper(): Create an EntityDeclaration when type == XML_ENTITY_DECL.
	free_wrappers(): Don't walk the child list when type == XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE.
	* examples/dom_build/main.cc: Add entity declarations and references, and
	processing instructions to the built xml file.
	* examples/dom_parse_entities/example.dtd: Make it compatible with example.xml.
	* examples/dom_parse_entities/example.xml: Add an entity definition that
	contains entity references.
	* examples/dom_parse_entities/main.cc: Print the parsed file both with and
	without entity substitution.
	* examples/dom_parser/example.dtd: Make it compatible with example.xml.
	* examples/dom_parser/main.cc: Add command flag -E (Don't substitute entities).
	Bug #669481

2012-02-15  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>

	Add some files to .gitignore.

	* .gitignore: Add docs files that are copied from mm-common.
	Add /MSVC_Net2010/libxml++/libxml++.rc and

2012-02-15  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>

	Add @newin{2,36} to some new functions where it's missing.

	* libxml++/exceptions/exception.h: Add @newin{2,36} to format_xml_error() and
	* libxml++/parsers/parser.h: Add @newin{2,36} to [set|get]_throw_messages().
	Bug #304020.

2012-02-10  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>

	Make the schema validation example program work with no arguments.

	* examples/schemavalidation/main.cc: Correct the test for number of arguments.

2012-01-30  Kjell Ahlstedt  <kjell.ahlstedt@bredband.net>

	Parser: Throw more detailed error messages.

	* examples/dom_parser/main.cc: Add command parameters -v -e -t.
	* libxml++/exceptions/exception.[h|cc]: Add format_xml_error() and
	* libxml++/parsers/domparser.cc: Call format_xml_error() and
	format_xml_parser_error() to get more detailed messages in exceptions.
	* libxml++/parsers/parser.[h|cc]: Add [set|get]_throw_messages() and (local in
	.cc until ABI can be broken) on_parser_[error|warning](). Bug #304020.

2012-01-30  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc.com>

	Document: Make the Document(xmlDoc*) constructor protected.

	* libxml++/document.h: This was requested in bug #668980 (A. Pignotti).

2011-09-09  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc.com>

	Document: write_to_*(): Make sure that we write UTF-8 out.

	* libxml++/document.cc: Because the xmlDocDump*() functions use some other 
	encoding if you specify NULL, causing errors such as:
	xmlEscapeEntities : char out of range