Version 2.91.92


	* Fix compilation warnings (Colin Walters)
	* Add style classes to make panel easier to theme (William Jon McCann)
	* Fix background of handles for transparent panels (Carlos Garcia
	* Remove X-GNOME-Autostart-Notify from .desktop file (Vincent)
	* Stop manually making the panel menubar text bold, this is handled in
	  the theme now (Vincent)


	* Stop manually making the panel menubar text bold, this is handled in
	  the theme now (Vincent)

  Docs Translators

	* Luca Ferretti (it)


	* Nilamdyuti Goswami (as)
	* Denis (br)
	* Marek Černocký (cs)
	* Dawa pemo (dz)
	* Bakaoukas Nikolaos (el)
	* Bruce Cowan (en_GB)
	* Gabor Kelemen (hu)
	* Narine Martirosyan (hy)
	* Luca Ferretti (it)
	* Shankar Prasad (kn)
	* Rudolfs (lv)
	* Sangeeta Kumari (mai)
	* Andre Klapper (ml)
	* Badral (mn)
	* Nabin Gautam (ne)
	* Piotr DrÄ…g (pl)
	* Zabeeh khan (ps)
	* Duarte Loreto (pt)
	* Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle (pt_BR)
	* Lucian Adrian Grijincu (ro)
	* Yuri Myaseodov (ru)
	* Danishka Navin (si)
	* Korostil Daniel (uk)
	* Nurali Abdurahmonov (uz)
