Wed May 10 17:37:33 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * Release 1.0.23 Sat Apr 29 16:58:25 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * help/, help/, */*.html, Since automake is smarter than I am and knows how I should work, I made a script to generate a so that it can't complain. Now runs through distcheck with no errors! Thu Apr 27 18:30:33 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> *, src/ extra warning flags are handled differently now Wed Apr 26 21:11:54 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * src/genius.c: make genius show the HTML version of the manual in lynx, links, or w3m Wed Apr 26 20:00:02 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * help/C/genius.xml: Fixes from Anders Jonsson, plus some other minor improvements. Also all wikipedia links are now https * src/graphing.c: fix crash after closing of window and then doing SufracePlotDrawPoints and SurfacePlotDrawLine Wed Apr 26 17:30:29 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * help/C/genius.xml: Fixes from Anders Jonsson and some new extra links Tue Apr 25 13:35:12 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * examples/complex-analysis-mesh.gel: forgot to define function, also default to rectangle (this was committed before) * examples/vibrating-drumhead-modes.gel: speed up the animation (this was committed before) * examples/peano-restrictions.gel: New example showing the restrictions to lines as an animation. * examples/peano.gel: improve explanation, draw more points Tue Apr 18 17:43:13 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> *,, Remove gnome-common dependency, and kill the documentation nonsense * help/*: completely revamp how this is done, making it a lot simpler (and simpler minded). Help is now HTML and displayed in a browser therefore it actually always works regardless of desktop and the current brokenness of yelp (meaning links now really do work) * src/gnome-genius.c: the help is now HTML so use that * src/*.c: fix a few warnings * help/cs/cs.po: fix broken xml tag Tue Apr 18 12:44:38 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * src/graphing.c: fix error checking on SurfacePlotDataGrid, thanks to David Binderman Tue Apr 18 12:36:00 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * examples/vibrating-drumhead-modes.gel: optionally draw node lines. Mon Apr 17 13:17:45 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * examples/vibrating-drumhead-modes.gel: again do 10 r increments, but do 16 theta increments. This way we see some of the nodelines Fri Mar 10 13:15:25 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * examples/dalemb-pulse.gel: Add some other example functions (commented out) for playing around. Wed Feb 15 13:13:40 2017 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * examples/fourier-series-*.gel: Run 10 instead of 3 iterations of the animation for the Gibbs, also fix English typo in a comment in the plotting example. Tue Dec 27 15:42:39 2016 Jiri (George) Lebl <> * examples/duffing-equation-trajectories.gel: example for Duffing equation trajectories diverging wildly after some time given a small change in initial conditions. * examples/strange-attractor.gel: use the same equation as above for consistency