# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 EGIT_REPO_URI="https://git.postgresql.org/git/pgpool2.git" POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.6 {10..15} ) inherit autotools flag-o-matic git-r3 postgres-multi DESCRIPTION="Connection pool server for PostgreSQL" HOMEPAGE="https://www.pgpool.net/" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0" IUSE="doc memcached pam ssl static-libs" RDEPEND=" ${POSTGRES_DEP} acct-group/postgres acct-user/pgpool net-libs/libnsl:0= virtual/libcrypt:= memcached? ( dev-libs/libmemcached ) pam? ( sys-auth/pambase ) ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= ) " DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sys-devel/bison virtual/pkgconfig doc? ( app-text/openjade dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt ) " pkg_setup() { postgres-multi_pkg_setup } src_prepare() { eapply \ "${FILESDIR}/pgpool-4.2.0-configure-memcached.patch" \ "${FILESDIR}/pgpool-configure-pam.patch" \ "${FILESDIR}/pgpool-4.2.0-configure-pthread.patch" \ "${FILESDIR}/pgpool-9999-run_paths.patch" eautoreconf postgres-multi_src_prepare } src_configure() { # bug #946410 append-cflags -std=gnu17 # Usual always_inline problem filter-flags -fno-semantic-interposition postgres-multi_foreach econf \ --disable-rpath \ --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}/etc/${PN}" \ --with-pgsql-includedir='/usr/include/postgresql-@PG_SLOT@' \ --with-pgsql-libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-@PG_SLOT@/$(get_libdir)" \ $(use_enable static-libs static) \ $(use_with memcached) \ $(use_with pam) \ $(use_with ssl openssl) } src_compile() { # Even though we're only going to do an install for the best slot # available, the extension bits in src/sql need some things outside # of that directory built, too. postgres-multi_foreach emake postgres-multi_foreach emake -C src/sql use doc && postgres-multi_forbest emake -C doc } src_install() { # We only need the best stuff installed postgres-multi_forbest emake DESTDIR="${D}" install # Except for the extension and .so files that each PostgreSQL slot needs postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C src/sql install newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN} newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN} # Documentation! dodoc NEWS TODO use doc && postgres-multi_forbest emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C doc install # mv some files that get installed to /usr/share/pgpool-II so that # they all wind up in the same place mv "${ED}/usr/share/${PN/2/-II}" "${ED}/usr/share/${PN}" || die # One more thing: Evil la files! find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + }