Docker containers for Bioconductor
Docker packages software into self-contained environments, called containers, that include necessary dependencies to run. Containers can run on any operating system including Windows and Mac (using modern Linux kernels) via the Docker engine or Docker Desktop.
Containers can also be deployed in the cloud using Amazon Elastic Container Service, Google Kubernetes Engine or Microsoft Azure Container Instances
Quick start
Docker commands
Run container with Bioconductor and RStudio
docker run \ -e PASSWORD=bioc \ -p 8787:8787 \ bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
This command will run the Docker container
on your local machine.
RStudio will be available on your web browser at
. The USER is fixed to always being
. The password in the above command is given as bioc
it can be set to anything. 8787
is the port being mapped between
the Docker container and your host machine. NOTE: password cannot
be rstudio
The user is logged into the rstudio
user by default.
The bioc-run
The bioc-run
script is a convenience script that can be used to run
Bioconductor Docker images. The script is available at Use bioc-run -h
see the
for additional details.
Execute the bioc-run
script to create a container from the RELEASE_3_20
Bioconductor Docker image:
./bioc-run -v RELEASE_3_20
Note that the script also mounts a local directory to the Docker image to
persist installed packages between sessions. It also maps a local directory to
the /home/rstudio
directory in the Docker image.
Why use Containers
Bioconductor containers enhance:
Reproducibility: Containers run with pre-installed versions of R and Bioconductor. These versions do not change and can be run at any time in the future as long as the Bioconductor
version tag is noted. -
Ease of use: With one command can run either release or devel versions of Bioconductor with support for nearly all package system dependencies.
Convenience: Run tests with a fresh R session and a minimal set of pre-installed packages. Quickly run analyses from atypical workflows with pre-installed system dependencies.
Package Installation: Bioconductor publishes binary packages for fast installation of packages within containers (
and newer). Binary packages do not require compilation and install about 7 to 8 times faster than source package installations.
Bioconductor provides up-to-date containers for the current release
and devel versions and supports older release versions. Bioconductor’s Docker
images are stored in Docker Hub;
the source Dockerfile
(s) are on
Our release images and devel images rely on Rocker Project - rocker/rstudio images and are built after Bioconductor releases.
Goals for new container architecture
A few of our key goals to migrate to a new set of Docker containers are,
to keep the image size being shipped by the Bioconductor team at a manageable size.
easy to extend, so developers can just use a single image to inherit and build their Docker image.
easy to maintain, by streamlining the Docker inheritance chain.
Adopt a “best practices” outline so that new community contributed Docker images get reviewed and follow standards.
Adopt a deprecation policy and life cycle for images similar to Bioconductor packages.
Replicate the Linux build machines on the
image as closely as possible. While this is not fully possible just yet, this image can be used by maintainers who wish to reproduce errors seen on the Bioconductor Linux build machine and as a helpful debugging tool.
Current Containers
For each supported version of Bioconductor, we provide
Using the containers
A well organized guide to popular docker commands can be found
here. For
convenience, below are some commands to get you started. The following
examples use the bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
List which Docker machines are available locally
docker images
List running containers
docker ps
List all containers
docker ps -a
Resume a stopped container
docker start <CONTAINER ID>
Shell into a running container
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
Shutdown container
docker stop <CONTAINER ID>
Delete container
docker rm <CONTAINER ID>
Delete image
docker rmi bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
Running a Bioconductor container
The above commands can be helpful but the real basics of running a Bioconductor Docker involves pulling the public image and running the container.
Download a public Docker image
docker pull bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
To run the RStudio server:
docker run -e PASSWORD=<password> \
-p 8787:8787 \
Open a web browser and browse to http://localhost:8787
(where 8787
is the port number specified in the
docker run
Set the RStudio password with -e PASSWORD=
(required). The password is
arbitrary since the container is running locally but it cannot be
. Log in to RStudio with the username rstudio
and the password
specified in the docker run
If you want to run RStudio as a user on your host machine, in order to read and write files in a host directory, please see the shared volumes documentation.
NOTE: If you forget to add the tag devel
using the bioconductor/bioconductor_docker
image, it will
automatically use the latest
tag which points to the latest RELEASE_X_Y
version of Bioconductor.
To run R from the command line:
docker run -it --user rstudio bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel R
To open a Bash shell on the container:
docker run -it --user rstudio bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel bash
Note: For full documentation, type docker run --help
or visit
the help page.
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Mounting Additional Volume
Use the -v
flag with docker run
to mount a volume to the Docker image. This
is useful to keep a more permanent R package installation directory to use with
Docker. Always map the local directory to the path on the Docker image that
corresponds to the local R library: /usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library
The following example mounts and maps a designated folder for
container-installed packages to the Docker directory. Using the designated
folder ensures that the path is automatically picked up by R
and shown via .libPaths()
in the Docker image.
docker run -it \
-e PASSWORD=<password> \
-v /home/user/docker-devel-packages:/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library \
-p 8787:8787 \
bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel bash
The -it
flag gives you an interactive tty (shell/terminal) to the
Docker container.
Running it with RStudio interface
docker run \ -v /home/user/docker-devel-packages:/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library \ -e PASSWORD=password \ -p 8787:8787 \ bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
Using docker-compose
Note. Ensure that docker-compose
is installed. Docker recommends
installing Docker Desktop
to get docker-compose
The Bioconductor/bioconductor_docker
repository has a docker-compose.yaml
file that can be used to run the Bioconductor Docker image with the command:
docker-compose up
Within the same directory, the user can run docker-compose
to launch the
Bioconductor Docker image and access it via http://localhost:8787
The docker-composer.yaml
includes pre-configured settings for the the port
), password (default is bioc
), and the volume for storing container R
The configuration sets the local library folder to
. For example, if the
the Bioconductor version is 3.13
, the local library folder will be
. This location is mapped and mounted to
in the container. Ensure that the
is available by running .libPaths()
within in the
When the user starts the Docker image using docker-compose
, it will
recognize previously mounted libraries with the appropriate
Bioconductor version, and save users time re-installing previously
installed packages.
To add another volume, modify the docker-compose.yml
to include another
volume. For example, to add a volume for the user’s home directory, add the
following line to the docker-compose.yml
- ${HOME}/R/bioconductor_docker/3.13:/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library
- ${HOME}/dockerhome:/home/rstudio
To run in the background, use the -d
or --detach
docker-compose up -d
If the image is run in the background, the container-name
can be used to
into the container terminal with root
access. Run the following command
to get the container-name
docker ps -a
The docker exec
command allows the user to install additional system-level
dependencies with root
docker exec -it <container-name> bash
For more information on how to use docker-compose
, use the
official docker-compose reference.
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Modifying Docker Images
There are two ways to modify Docker images:
Making changes in a running container and then committing them using the
docker commit
command.docker commit <CONTAINER ID> <name for new image>
Using a
to formalize the changes you want to make.
Using a Dockerfile
is the recommended way to modify and even extend
a Docker image. For more details, see the
Use case: Python package installation
An example scenario may be to add the tensorflow
Python package to the
image and at the same time
install the scAlign
Bioconductor package on top of the base Docker
First, the Dockerfile
could inherit from the
image. Note that some knowledge of
Linux is required to install the tensorflow
package on the Ubuntu image.
In the Dockerfile
, add the following commands:
# Docker inheritance
FROM bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
# Update apt-get
RUN apt-get update \
## Install the python package tensorflow
&& pip install tensorflow \
## Remove packages in '/var/cache/' and 'var/lib'
## to remove side-effects of apt-get update
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install required Bioconductor package
RUN R -e 'BiocManager::install("scAlign")'
Then build the Dockerfile
with the command:
docker build -t bioconductor_docker_tensorflow:devel .
Note that the image name is arbitrary (e.g., bioconductor_docker_tensorflow
Once built, the image can be run with the command:
docker run -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=bioc bioconductor_docker_tensorflow:devel
Use case: Adding LaTeX to the Docker image
Another potential use case could be to add LaTeX to the Docker image.
LaTeX is required to build vignettes and knit documents into PDF files.
The Dockerfile
could look like the following:
# This docker image has LaTeX to build the vignettes
FROM bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
# Update apt-get
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
texlive \
texlive-latex-extra \
texlive-fonts-extra \
texlive-bibtex-extra \
texlive-science \
texi2html \
texinfo \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
## Install BiocStyle
RUN R -e 'BiocManager::install("BiocStyle")'
Then build the Dockerfile
with the command:
docker build -t bioconductor_docker_latex:devel .
Once built, the image can be run with the command:
docker run -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=bioc bioconductor_docker_latex:devel
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Using Binary Packages
Binary packages are available for Bioconductor containers starting from
. This means that, for all RELEASE_3_14
and newer images,
Bioconductor packages will be pre-compiled and installed via
, reducing the installation time significantly.
Binary package installations provide a 7 to 8 times speed up compared to
installing from source.
To install binary packages, simply use BiocManager::install()
within a
Bioconductor container:
## Install binary packages on a container
Note that the container needs to be the bioconductor/bioconductor_docker
a derived image. To build custom images, see the
Modifying Docker Images section.
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Singularity is an alternative to Docker that is typically used on compute clusters where admin access may not be available.
To check if singularity
is installed on your High Performance Cluster (HPC),
run the following:
module available
If Singularity is available, enable singularity
module load singularity
Then, convert a Docker image to a Singularity image with the singularity pull
singularity pull docker://bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel
For specific usage instructions relevant to Singularity containers see
Microsoft Azure Container Instances
Microsoft Azure users have the option to run containers using images on the Microsoft Container Registry.
Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) is the primary Registry for all Microsoft Published docker images that offers a reliable and trustworthy delivery of container images with a syndicated catalog
Using containers hosted on Microsoft Container Registry
Pull the bioconductor_docker
image from the Microsoft Container
Registry (MCR), specifying a tag
of choice. Check the
for the list of tags under “Full Tag Listing”:
docker pull<tag>
To pull the latest image:
docker pull
Usage: Run RStudio from the Docker container
To run RStudio server, run the following and open a browser to
The default user name is rstudio
and you can specify a password:
docker run --name bioconductor_docker_rstudio \
-v ~/host-site-library:/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library \
-e PASSWORD='bioc' \
-p 8787:8787 \
To run R in the container terminal:
docker run --name bioconductor_docker_rstudio \
-it \
-v ~/host-site-library:/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library \
-e PASSWORD='bioc' \
-p 8787:8787 \ R
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Use Azure Container Instances to run Bioconductor images on-demand on Azure
Azure Container Instances (ACI) provide a way to run Docker containers on-demand in a managed, serverless Azure environment. To learn more, see the documentation.
Run Bioconductor images using ACI
You can run Azure CLI or az cli
to create, stop, restart or delete container instances running any
official Bioconductor image - either from Bioconductor or available on the
An Azure account and subscription is required. To create a free account
browse to
To get familiar with Azure Container Instances, follow this tutorial.
To run the Bioconductor image hosted on the MCR, create a new resource group in the Azure subscription and then run the following command with the Azure CLI:
az container create \
--resource-group resourceGroupName \
--name mcr-bioconductor \
--image \
--cpu 2 \
--memory 4 \
--dns-name-label mcr-bioconductor \
--ports 8787 \
--environment-variables 'PASSWORD'='bioc'
When completed, run this command to get the fully qualified domain name (FQDN):
az container show \
--resource-group resourceGroupName \
--name mcr-bioconductor \
--query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState:provisioningState}" \
--out table
Here we expose port 8787
on this publicly accessible FQDN. You may
have to choose a different “dns-name-label” to avoid conflicts. By
default, the username for RStudio is “rstudio” (as in the Bioconductor Docker
image). The password is set to ‘bioc’ in the environment variable configuration.
The --cpu
and --memory
values (in gigabytes; GB) can be configured as necessary.
By default, ACI have 1 CPU and 1.5 GB of memory allocated.
To learn more about configuring and customizing ACI, run:
az container create --help
Mount Azure File Share to persist analysis data between sessions
To persist data between analysis sessions when using ACIs, mount an
Azure file share
to the container. The following are steps to create an ACI that maps the
directory in RStudio from an
Azure File Share:
Create an Azure Storage account
Create an Azure file share
Get the storage account key
Using the Azure CLI, run the following commands to create the storage account and file share:
# Change these four parameters as needed
# Step1: Create the storage account with the parameters
az storage account create \
--resource-group $ACI_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--location $ACI_PERS_LOCATION \
--sku Standard_LRS
# Step2: Create the file share
az storage share create \
# Step3: Get the storage account key
STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list \
--resource-group $ACI_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--query "[0].value" --output tsv)
Mount an Azure file share to an ACI running Bioconductor:
az container create \
--resource-group resourceGroupName \
--name mcr-bioconductor-fs \
--image \
--dns-name-label mcr-bioconductor-fs \
--cpu 2 \
--memory 4 \
--ports 8787 \
--environment-variables 'PASSWORD'='bioc' \
--azure-file-volume-account-name storageAccountName \
--azure-file-volume-account-key $STORAGE_KEY \
--azure-file-volume-share-name fileShareName \
--azure-file-volume-mount-path /home/rstudio
When completed, run this command to get the fully qualified domain name or FQDN:
az container show \
--resource-group resourceGroupName \
--name mcr-bioconductor-fs \
--query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState:provisioningState}" \
--out table
Note that the /home/rstudio
directory is mapped to a
persistent Azure file share named “fileShareName” in the storage
account specified. When you stop or restart the ACI, this data will not
be lost.
Stop, Start, Restart or Delete containers running on ACI
You can run Azure CLI commands to stop, start, restart or delete container instances on Azure. You can find all the commands and options at
Stop the container instance
Note that containerName
and resourceGroupName
in the following CLI commands
should be replaced with the actual container name and resource group name.
az container stop -n containerName -g resourceGroupName
Start the container instance
az container start -n containerName -g resourceGroupName
Restart the container instance
az container restart -n containerName -g resourceGroupName
Delete the container instance
az container delete -n containerName -g resourceGroupName
Use the -y
flag to avoid the confirmation prompt when deleting the ACI:
az container delete -n containerName -g resourceGroupName -y
To troubleshoot any issues when using ACIs, see the common issues page. For feedback or further issues, contact
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How to Contribute
There is a comprehensive list of best practices and standards on how community members can contribute images:
Deprecation Notice
For previous users of Docker containers for Bioconductor, please note that we are deprecating the following Bioconductor and community maintained images.
Legacy Containers
These images are NO LONGER MAINTAINED. They will however be available to use should a user choose.
Bioconductor Core Team:
- bioconductor/devel_base2
- bioconductor/devel_core2
- bioconductor/release_base2
- bioconductor/release_core2
Steffen Neumann:, Maintained as part of the “PhenoMeNal, funded by Horizon2020 grant 654241”
- bioconductor/devel_protmetcore2
- bioconductor/devel_metabolomics2
- bioconductor/release_protmetcore2
- bioconductor/release_metabolomics2
Laurent Gatto:
- bioconductor/devel_mscore2
- bioconductor/devel_protcore2
- bioconductor/devel_proteomics2
- bioconductor/release_mscore2
- bioconductor/release_protcore2
- bioconductor/release_proteomics2
First iteration containers
- bioconductor/devel_base
- bioconductor/devel_core
- bioconductor/devel_flow
- bioconductor/devel_microarray
- bioconductor/devel_proteomics
- bioconductor/devel_sequencing
- bioconductor/devel_metabolomics
- bioconductor/release_base
- bioconductor/release_core
- bioconductor/release_flow
- bioconductor/release_microarray
- bioconductor/release_proteomics
- bioconductor/release_sequencing
- bioconductor/release_metabolomics
Reason for deprecation
The new Bioconductor Docker image bioconductor/bioconductor_docker
has nearly
all system dependencies pre-installed. This makes it possible to install any
package and avoids the need for multiple images with different system
dependencies. Packages can be installed with BiocManager::install()
Other reasons for deprecation:
the chain of inheritance of Docker images was too complex and hard to maintain
images were hard to extend because there were multiple flavors
naming convention was not consistent
unused images were not deprecated
Reporting Issues
To report any issues or bugs, go to the GitHub issues page.
Feel free to ask questions related to usage, extension, and enhancement of Bioconductor images either via GitHub issues or on the Bioc-devel mailing list.
Thanks to the rocker project for providing the R/RStudio Server containers upon which ours are based.